Play Initiative

Play Celestially

Life can’t be all work, all the time. Fun is mandatory. What does your inner child need? We host, facilitate and cocreate festivals, retreats, ceremonies, celebrations, camping experiences, lodging and getaways throughout different Celestial Sites. Come play!

Ceremonies & Celebrations

We welcome all who need a place to wed, preach, practice, perform or have a good time. We treat every space as a safe place and hold a secure container for modest celebratory functions and elegantly hallowed experiences. Different sites offer different experiences.

Camping & Lodging

There’s nothing better than the great outdoors. We lead and host outdoor experiences to help others detox, ground and heal. These and other nature-focused experiences shape how to respectfully treat the Earth as our home and playground while learning about her.


Each of the Elemental Tracks incubate a series of concerts, entertainers, and multimedia producers. By pairing our patrons, students and local communities we’ve birthed a network for play. Our festival experiences commemorate creative culture and foster happy humans.

Retreats & Workshops

Sometimes a getaway can be work and play. From Science to Spirituality we invite you to help others focus or let loose. Aside from producing our own fun, we also welcome everyone else to come play. Contact us if you’d like to align your retreat or workshop with a Celestial site.

Featured Events

Family Circle


Conscious families building each other up.

Fire Circle


Celestial Fire Circle is your container to let your performance gifts burn bright.

Food, Fun & Family!


Conscious Families are invited to join one another for food, fellowship and the enrichment of community.

Tea & Tarot: A Mystical Evening


Are you ready for an enchanted evening filled with oracle decks, psychic readings, tarot cards, astrology readings and dreamy mystics?! Get dressed up for a night out! Bring your natal astrology chart, a dish to share, your crystals to charge and your favorite cosplay costume. Or dress to impress.

Water Circle


Whether you’re a lens wielder or an extravagant master of the brush - paint, shoot and capture from the depths of your soul.