Food, Fun & Family!

Conscious Families are invited to join one another for food, fellowship and the enrichment of community.

Bring the whole family!

You and your family are invited to Food, Family & Fun a conscious monthly gathering for Celestial families practicing mindfulness, health and wellness as a unit. Join us for yoga, food, breath work, a guided meditation, a group discussion on family dynamics and insights into the current cosmic weather. Dishes are prepared by our local culinary constituents.


Event Overview

Conscious Families are invited to join one another for food, fellowship and the enrichment of community. Our partners’ rotating menu of decadent deliciousness demonstrate the versatility of our nutritional program and allow for fun feasting at a reasonable price for households desiring healthier meal options. This container is facilitated as a component of The Spirit Initiative and the Live Initiative in unison. Join us for food and specialty vendors, live music, recipe demonstrations and our kids zone! 

The Cosmic Weather

Amongst the offerings of Food, Family & Fun we set aside some time to discuss what's currently occurring in the cosmos of our solar system, and beyond. During this segment we discuss the astrology transits at play and teach our young ones about the planets and the sky. For a deeper perspective we discuss how Mom & Dad can leverage the energies of the cosmic climate.

Family Discussions

For the group discussion portion of our event we discuss, honor and give adoration for the work that each member of the family is currently doing in the home. We also discuss how your family unit can apply the Celestial Axioms at home. We talk about the things that we appreciate the most about our family members and ask the collective for assistance with trying situations.


As a part of the efforts carried out by the Live Initiative we have set costs per plate, as opposed to pricing things per dish. Pricing is variable depending upon your personal situation. We offer a priced plate options for single individuals, couples and of course - families. Prices may slightly vary.

Kids Zone

Every month we’ll have something for the little ones to do. Each month a different activity based off of the Elemental Tracks will be available for the youth to develop themselves amongst peers. Kids Zone activities will differ depending upon the current Celestial Cycle. Kids Zone is managed and operated by the parents of our conscious community. Fill out the form on this page and get ready for Food, Family & Fun!

Meet The Author: Shün Williams

Having created them Shün serves on all four of The Elemental Tracks building leaders. He especially enjoys developing the majesty in everyone that he has the opportunity to work with. He is a talented public speaker, a passionate musician, a skilled technologist and has created multimedia for multiple fortune companies and municipalities.Having created them Shün serves on all four of The Elemental Tracks building leaders. He especially enjoys developing the majesty in everyone that he has the opportunity to work with. He is a talented public speaker, a passionate musician, a skilled technologist and has created multimedia for multiple fortune companies and municipalities.