Mind Initiative

Activate Your Mind

Discover The Mind Initiative. Enhance your emotional intelligence. Master your mental states. Transform yourself through emotive and technical triumph. Existence starts with you. Mindset is everything. By the linking of hands local communities are cocreating a biome of balance, abundance and smart ecology. Our vision of the future is built upon one ideological foundation: An existence in complete harmony.

Introspective Education

By learning to understand our own mind we can better understand our behaviors, needs and desires. By learning to listen to our own needs, and the needs of others we improve our alignments and experiences. How can we help you dive deeper into yourself?

Mental Health

Through a combination of naturopathic, psychological and plant based modalities we’re carving out a new way. Through our healing focused approach we’re mending and molding the collective consciousness. A clear mind is the start of a meaningful life.

Community Building

Anything is possible through community. Great minds think alike. Empowered minds link hands and build communities. We’re building the arts, wellness, plant based, multimedia, permaculture, entrepreneurial, and philosophical communities. Build your community here too.

Technology & Soft Skills

Web. Hardware. Analysis. Leadership. We’re helping shape the minds of tomorrow interested in building a world of awareness, connectedness and capabilities. Our tech-centric experiences incubate local leaders & new opportunities. Get involved.

Featured Events

Air Circle


Speak the breath of life. Connect communities, create commerce, save the world. Learn commercial symbiosis, soft skills, conscious business and commercial operations.

Earth Circle


Ground into balance through diet, movement, and mental modification. By conjoining locally sourced greens and vegetables with yoga flows, physical activities and nutrition workshops we’ll help elevate you to the next level.