Family Circle

Conscious families building each other up.

Deep Family Roots

Family Circle is powered by the Live Initiative. Aside from our all ages environment & educational framework we act as a container for family-centric exchanges. We believe that every member of the family has their own significance and purpose. And more, that every member of the community is our extended family. Thus in this Celestial Circle we’re making big impacts through small changes.


At Family Circle we offer support, structure and guidance for each position in the familial dynamic. Allowing everyone to be enriched and fortified. The animus is the unconscious masculine side of a woman, and the anima as the unconscious feminine side of a man, each transcending the personal psyche. These are the deepest places of evaluation as we undergo the human advancement process.

Anima: The Sacred Feminine

The role of fatherhood from an enlightened heart. Paternity is more than provision, protection and the preparation of life after young ones leave the home. Dads, we invite you to Family Circle to master the practice of leading from the heart.

Animous: The Sacred Masculine

The role of motherhood from an empowered mind. Maternity is much more than nurture, the homespace and care. Moms, we welcome you to Family Circle to perfect the art of intuitive parenting through our family empowerment structure.

Psyche: The Cosmic Child

The gift of childhood reaps everlasting rewards into adulthood. At Celestial we’re happily cocreating the container of Family Circle as a place where the Cosmic Child can parade, play or simply be. Join us for tools on early childhood development, inner-child healing and conscious parenting.

Event Overview

The Family Circle experience starts with a brief meet & greet, body bliss - a movement centric experience, thereafter a discussion of mindfulness practices for Mom and Dad. Next we’ll consider responsibility and contribution for every member of the family, and conclude with Perfect Play our mental stimulation tool box for more imaginative play. 

As with any other Celestial function, guests are expected to uphold The Commitment to Unify. All of those who attend are encouraged to also attend our monthly event “Food, Fun & Family”, where we put into practice the things learned within Family Circle. Please RSVP via this page in order to let us know you’re coming. All ages are welcome! Participants are encouraged to bring a plant based snack for sharing. We hope to see your family there!

Members: FREE
Non-Members: $12/Family

Meet The Author: Shün Williams

Shün is a connector, a dreamer, a weaver and in love with harmony. He loves exploring and combining different elements of mysticism, art, society, technology, psychology (while respecting their origins) and lore. Since 2012 he's been creating digital and in-person experiences for the exaltation of all. He stands firm in his convictions to create a world free of boundaries and limitations. A world of equity, equality and symbiosis.