
Līt·Bodë Clothing Line, Independent Artwork & Artisan Products


Welcome to the Līt·Bodë Clothing line.

All of the necessary garments, accessories, and swag to Live Celestial.

Celestial Logo Stickers


Celestial Stickers
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Earth Hymn 3/4 Sleeve


3/4 Sleeve Green Earth Hymn T-Shirt
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Līt·Bodë Clothing

The Celestial Līt·Bodë Clothing line provides all of the necessary gear to Live Celestial. Represent your favorite Educational Elemental Track and buy a garment now! Support Celestial and show the world your light body.

Artisan Crafts

All artwork, garment creative, products and offerings are 100% original pieces designed and developed by members of the community. Your purchase supports the sovereignty of every creative collaborator.

Educators & Leadership



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