New World Peace Talks

A civic development and enrichment effort designed to educate communities, generate cross-cultural collisions for the exaltation of all, and to place action behind the needs and wants of the greater global community.

The Future Matters

What is the new normal? What does societal harmony look like to you? Is it quiet communities? Is it safer streets? Is it an age without crime or systematic oppression? What does the ruling and governance structure look like? How do you get your food? How do you heal your body? What harmonious structures allow you to fully express yourself? How do you contribute to the overall paradigm and collective?

In lieu of current events a few Celestials and the conscious community have been facilitating a peace talks summit called New World Peace Talks on the West Coast of the United States. An awareness and communication stimulation container to discuss the discord of modern times and how to formulate sustainable social infrastructures that are community powereded. Regenerative processes that will allow us to return to normality.


Assembling The Collective

New World Peace Talks is a civic development and enrichment effort designed to educate communities, generate cross-cultural collisions for the exaltation of all, and to place action behind the needs and wants of both locals & the greater global community. Please join us in creating this dynamic space.

Each community on the west coast is currently focusing on the issues they’re affected by the most, however topics for consideration and group discussion typically (but aren’t limited to) include:

  • Digital Voting
  • Sustainability
  • Legal Reform
  • Community Building
  • Permaculture
  • Civility & Brutality
  • Inequality
  • Police Sensitivity Training
  • A Conscious Economy
  • Human Sovereignty
  • New Age Technology
  • Ethnic Awareness
  • Commercial Vibrancy

Who should go?

If you believe in peace you’re invited to join hands with us. If you believe in paradise join hands with us. This event is for everyone. It’s a safe space for families - Men, Women and children. Bring your critical thinking hat and your creativity. Painters, technologists, practitioners, coders, engineers, healers, makers, singer songwriters, musicians, yogis, architects, lovers of dance, master builders and crafts people - we’re hailing you to help us envision what comes next for all of us. Socially. Societally. Civically. We all have our part and our place in helping establish what the new normal will look like. 

Key Takeaways

The solutions focused atmosphere of New World Peace Talks offers different solutions to different communities. As we are all affected differently by our geographical and ideological standing the solutions procured from this gathering are different for each iteration. Come prepared for discussions surrounding the following:

  • Reestablishing a sense of unified local community
  • Assisting in the alignment of sacred economics 
  • The restoration of local economies
  • A safe space to reconnect with the conscious community 
  • An opportunity to voice the societal changes you'd like to see occur in the near future

Event Formats


Direct Event

The New World Peace Talks Direct Event Format acts as an in-person container for local participants and audiences to peacefully exchange dialogue to affect civic architecture, social change and legal reform. We encourage the implementation of local social distancing regulations and guidelines.

Hybrid Event

A New World Peace Talks Hybrid Event leverages Live Streaming via Social Media and in-person audience participation to transform civic architecture, affect social change and inspire legal reform free of inequality. This format empowers small groups to maintain their community infrastructure online and in-person.

Streamed Online Event

A New World Peace Talks Streamed Online Event leverages Live Streaming Tools like Zoom and Google Meet for the participation of digitally connected audiences and dialogue from locals to affect civic architecture, social change and legal reform. We utilize streaming events to maintain cohesion and uniformity between community leaders.

Hosting a Peace Talk

New World Peace Talks is one hundred percent community powered. If you’d like to bring New World Peace Talks to your community please fill out the request form on this page. We’re currently accepting inquiries. New World Peace Talks are led by a Celestial representative. We refer to our representatives as Meisters. A Celestial Meister will help you curate and coordinate the Peace Talk, then leave behind the necessary community guidelines and infrastructure in order to continue the conversation amongst engaged community members. Generally a Peace Talk requires at least five key participants and Meister provisions. Please see the Host Request Form on this page for more information.


Individuals interested in hosting a Peace talk should assemble three main issues that their community is struggling with and two widely endorsed desires for change. Five key participants need to be assembled in order to build the full experiential container. Through Meister-led assistance we’ll help you assemble and maintain your New World Peace Talks event. A single event and on-going format are available to appease your facilitation needs. Please see the Facilitation Request Form in order to receive the full Facilitation Guide.

Let’s go change the world one community at a time. We are all one. We are Celestial.

Meet The Author: Shün Williams

Having created them Shün serves on all four of The Elemental Tracks building leaders. He especially enjoys developing the majesty in everyone that he has the opportunity to work with. He is a talented public speaker, a passionate musician, a skilled technologist and has created multimedia for multiple fortune companies and municipalities.