Glow & Flow Yoga

Move. Glow. Grow. Flow.

AZ Glow and Flow Yoga

You’re invited to join us in sacred union. At Glow & Flow Yoga we align mind, body and spirit through the art of Yoga and the practice of breathework. Yoga is a physically transformational practice. Combined with breathing techniques, we follow the flow of movement and breathe to integrate our body and the mind in order to elevate emotional stresses. Thus arriving at deeper levels of relaxation and while developing bodily awareness.

In this 5 sensory glowga experience everyone receives their own unique benefit. Glow & Flow Yoga connects with everyone in a different way, prompting the external stimuli to enhance your internal experience. Unlike an a-typical flow class, you’ll be practicing in a low-light setting under black lights making one even more cognizant of their surroundings. The mind activates heightened awarenesses from sensory input other than vision in order to process the environment. Merge the left and right brain, the body & spirit to employ a more balanced human experience.

Please arrive on time as class will promptly begin. Ambiance and beautiful beats will be provided by one of our resident DJs. We’ll begin with a brief meet and greet followed by optional face painting or body painting. Yoga flow will be led by one of the instructor members of the Celestial Family. Thereafter the group will dive into a guided meditation experience. Bring your yoga mat, water, athletic wear and flow shoes. Ready to drop in?! See you there!

Members: $11
Non-Members: $22

Meet The Author: Shün Williams

Shün is a connector, a dreamer, a weaver and in love with harmony. He loves exploring and combining different elements of mysticism, art, society, technology, psychology (while respecting their origins) and lore. Since 2012 he's been creating digital and in-person experiences for the exaltation of all. He stands firm in his convictions to create a world free of boundaries and limitations. A world of equity, equality and symbiosis.